Every client in Dublin Simon Community brings different experiences, skills and ideas which contribute to the way we work. We want to put these at the heart of Dublin Simon Community and support clients to get involved in many different opportunities to help deliver our services and take part in the decisions we make. 

204 clients engaged with Client Development across various programmes in 2022 

“I am also part of the Client Action Group and recently we have been working on a campaign around mental health. We are trying to gather different ideas and ways of thinking to help change people’s mindsets about looking for support.”

– Mark, Simon Client

Our service works to change perceptions of homelessness by encouraging: 

  • Individuals who access our services to become involved with Dublin Simon  
  • By talking and listening to the individuals who access our services and involving them as partners in the decisions that affect their lives. 
  • Giving individuals accessing our services the equal opportunity to participate to a level and a degree that suits them. 
  • Individuals who access our services to realise their full potential opportunities and initiatives. 
  • The skills, talents and experience of the individuals who access our services and use these in tackling the problems they face. 

There are several ways individuals who access our services can get involved: 

  • Join the Client Volunteer Programme 
  • Be a member of the Client Action Group 
  • Work on the Dublin Simon Community Client’s Eye newsletter as part of the Publication Committee 
  • Or send your creative writing, photography, artwork, jokes or anything else you would like to share to be published in the Client’s Eye newsletter 
  • Become a Peer Researcher 

The Client’s Eye newsletters is published every 3 months and distributed to Dublin Simon Community services. Clients in Dublin Simon Community services submit their creative writing, artwork, poetry, photography, jokes or anything that they would like to share and this is published in the Client’s Eye. The Client’s Eye is a fantastic way for clients in Dublin Simon Community services to showcase their talents. The newsletter is also a great way for Dublin Simon Community services to share news about activities or events that have happened or will happen in their service and promote a sense of community. 

If you are interested in submitting content to the Client’s Eye newsletter, please don’t hesitate to email cd@dubsimon.ie

Spring 2023

The Client Action Group (CAG) is a client-led group that started back in 2009. The group meets every second week and members discuss and develop projects that they believe will help others who have or are experiencing homelessness. CAG members are considered experts through their experiences and it is vital that client voices are heard when discussing difficulties that people experiencing homeless face and possible solutions to these issues. If you are interested in getting involved please contact:  cd@dubsimon.ie 

The Client Volunteer Programme is an opportunity for people who are experiencing or have experienced homelessness to volunteer in different areas in Dublin Simon Community. This programme offers ‘Support and Coaching’ with client volunteers that will make sure that they are supported and feel comfortable in their volunteer role. If they wish, this volunteer placement can have an employability focus, with support with CV writing and identifying training that could be helpful to achieve the client’s employment goals. If you are interested in getting involved please contact: cd@dubsimon.ie