Annual Review 2021

2021: An immensely challenging year for those experiencing homelessness and those working at the frontline.  All of us at Dublin Simon Community were focused on keeping people safe from Covid-19.  For those in emergency accommodation or struggling to keep a roof over their heads the emotional and physical toll has been enormous.  Long waiting times in exiting homelessness and accessing treatment has a lasting impact on physical and mental health.

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Annual Review at a Glance

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Stories from the Frontline

In an exceptionally challenging year we collaborated with local authority partners to achieve successful outcomes on some heartbreaking cases involving senior citizens at risk of homelessness.  No-one should be facing homelessness in their twilight years. -Adrian, project worker, tenancy sustainment

When I moved into the Dublin Simon service it was like they knew me all my life, they couldn’t do enough for me.  They helped me get my independence back and get life skills, helping me to achieve things I didn’t think I would be able to. – Client, supported accommodation

It’s all waiting – waiting, waiting, waiting every day. For a phone call, for a referral, for confirmation you have somewhere to sleep that night. And that’s not even anywhere near the stage of moving into a home. When you go into emergency accommodation you soon learn that nothing moves quickly in this system and it’s all out of your control. It wears you down.  Ken, Dublin Simon client

I had nowhere to go.  I thought my life was over.  I was 12 weeks pregnant and terrified, the first night I ended up sleeping on a bench and when I woke up the Dublin Simon Outreach team were there waiting to help me.  Client, supported accommodation