Michael’s Story


Michael’s Story


‘I turned to the drink after my mother died, I couldn’t accept her passing. And of course, by turning to the drink I neglected to pay rent and I left myself homeless. It was nobody else’s fault, it was my fault.’

‘I was about a year or so homeless, where I was going from hostels to sleeping on park benches. That time was dark, like a void, like an abyss. I was falling and falling and falling and could see no end to it. I was drinking myself to an early grave.’

‘When you’re walking around for three weeks sleeping on a park bench people don’t want to be looking at you, you know what I mean. Even when you go into a shop to buy a pint of milk you get told no sorry you can’t come in here.’

‘I didn’t know how to look for help. I had no money, I wasn’t getting social welfare payment or anything so I wasn’t eating.’

‘I was on the streets for a year, when a dear uncle of mine put me in contact with a contact he had in Dublin Simon Community at the time. ’

 ‘I met with them and then I was put in contact with a key worker Angela. I was sitting in my own apartment before I knew it.’

‘I’m glad to say there’s people out there that can help you if you know how to access it.  If I didn’t have someone to advise me I would have been lost. I wouldn’t have known how to access places to get a shower or something to eat.’

 ‘After that I went through bereavement counselling. A counsellor came out for a couple of weeks to see me. We would sit down at the kitchen table and talk. The hurt of my mother’s passing will never go away but she gave me tools to deal with it and as I said I’m feeling good in life’.

‘I’m reading, meditating, playing guitar, and learning a bit of Spanish at the moment. Just any outlet to channel positivity. I’m not letting negativity in anymore, it’s dictated my life for too long.’

‘If I’m being honest, if it wasn’t for Dublin Simon I don’t know where I’d be now. I’m 5 years here. I’m thankful every single day for Dublin Simon and every day is getting better.’

 ‘After a year of living in my apartment, an opportunity came up for a spot in one of Dublin Simon’s long-term accommodation services and I’ve been here ever since. I was only saying to a friend of mine recently that it’s the first place that’s felt like home since moving out of my parent’s house. All the staff here are great, I get on with them all. Sandra’s the manager, she’s super nice. They are such a friendly bunch and dedicated to their craft. I’m blessed like. Great home, great ambiance. I love it here.’

‘I’m friends with Kevin in No.4, we’re collectors of film memorabilia. So we trade comics and stuff. He’s Marvel, I’m DC so there’s a bit of banter there.’

‘Then there’s Anne on the ground floor. Anne is about 60, you wouldn’t think we would be friends but we have a great relationship. I absolutely adore her, she makes me a stew once a week and drops it up to me. I call her the mother of the service, she looks after us. She’s a very nice woman and very good to me.’

‘Anne is only here about 2 months, it’s crazy how a friendship can form so fast. Good, trustworthy people make a huge difference. The sense of community is great.’

‘During my downward spiral I lost contact with family members but have since been talking to them. I have mended bridges with my father and am closer to him than I have ever been funnily enough. I’m glad we’re actually talking, it means a lot to me. That wouldn’t have been possible without the Dublin Simon Community.’

‘In terms of the future I just want to live the best version of my life. For the past 3 years I have been focusing on being positive. This is where I want to stay, I’m delighted with my life’