Entries by Aisling Harmey

#MyMiniMarathon – Phyl’s Story

Phyl Geraghty has been a dedicated volunteer with the Dublin Simon Community Soup Run since 2010. Our teams of volunteers walk the streets in all weathers offering soup, sandwiches, tea and a good chat if so desired, to people who are experiencing homelessness around the city. Each year Phyl also takes part in the VHI […]

Tenants powerless in face of rapidly rising rents

Dublin Simon Community respond to Daft.ie Rental Price Report Dublin Simon Community say that figures released today from the Daft.ie 2018 Q1 Rental Report demonstrate how tenants are virtually powerless in the face of rising rents and very low supply. The housing and homelessness organisation also said that the report was further proof that Rent […]

Sport helped my recovery

Dubliner Tara McNeill first encountered the homeless charity, Dublin Simon Community when she was sleeping rough. Now, thanks to its encouragement, her own hard work, and a love of sport, she has turned her life around and shares her story to help others. “I had my first encounter with Dublin Simon Community when I was […]

Daft.ie Report shows Rents Reach Record High

Dublin Simon Community say that figures released today from the Daft.ie 2017 Q4 Rental Report show that the private rental market remains unable to cope with demand. The figures in the latest Daft.ie Rental report show that in the counties of Dublin, Kildare, Wicklow and Meath, where Dublin Simon Community are providing services, rents continue […]

Charities Unveil National Campaign Asking The Public To Donate Water Refund Cheques to Tackle Homelessness

refundproject.ie now accepting public donations Three of Ireland’s best-known charities have today taken the unprecedented step of coming together to launch a national campaign The Refund Project which is asking members of the Irish public who can afford it, to consider donating their Irish Water refund to tackle the homelessness crisis. At a special launch […]

Dublin Chamber have joined with the Simon Community to urge companies to support the Simon House of Cards appeal

The Appeal asks, “Don’t send a card this Christmas; Address a Problem” Dublin Chamber, along with the Simon Community are urging businesses to support people who are homeless this Christmas, through the Simon House of Cards Appeal. This vital fundraising initiative asks companies to make a donation in lieu sending cards, gifts and other Christmas […]

Rent Pressure Zones urgently need review as they are not having desired effect

The homeless and housing organisation respond to Daft.ie Rental Price Report The Simon Community said that figures released today from the Daft.ie 2017 Q3 Rental Report show that the private rental market remains unable to cope with demand. The housing and homelessness organisation said that the introduction of Rent Pressure Zones did not go far […]