Dublin Simon Community demands proactive approach to turn the tide on homelessness

Charity challenges next Government to tackle the underlying issues driving the homelessness crisis In a statement made in response to May 2020 Homelessness Report it urges no going back to the way things were before Covid-19 Dublin, 25th June 2020: Dublin Simon Community has responded to the May 2020 Homelessness report with a challenge to […]

Changes to social welfare payment schedule is wreaking havoc among the most vulnerable

Homelessness charity Dublin Simon Community reports that the change in payments from weekly to fortnightly is causing enormous anxiety for families and single people who are struggling with money management The charity’s frontline staff are dealing with increased ‘binge’ behaviours amongst those living with drug and alcohol addiction   Dublin 26th June: A change to […]

Dublin Simon Community Welcomes Continuing Decline in Dublin Homelessness Figures for April 2020

6,498 people accessed emergency accommodation in Dublin in April 2020 Continued reduction in families recorded as singles remain frustratingly high at 2,853 Charity identifies growing importance of homelessness prevention and warns against “waterfall” as economy begins to re-open Dublin, 4th June 2020: Dublin Simon Community welcomes the publication of the April 2020 Homelessness Report, released today by the Department of Housing, Planning and […]


Join thousands of people in the Phoenix Park and support Dublin Simon Community Dublin, 10 February 2020: Join Dublin Simon Community in the Phoenix Park for their Annual 5 Mile (8K) Home Run on Saturday 7th of March and support people who are facing homelessness. The race is now in its 37th year, making it […]