Number of people nationally in emergency accommodation exceeds capacity of Hill 16 in Croke Park

Dublin Simon Community Statement on June 2024 Homeless Report.

The latest homeless figures released today by the Department of Housing reveal that the number of people in emergency accommodation continues to rise with 14,303 nationally and 10,396 in Dublin, representing a Dublin increase of 12% year-on-year.  

This means that the number of people nationally in emergency accommodation exceeds the capacity of Hill 16 in Croke Park. 

The Dublin total of 10,396 represents 1,496 families, 3,285 children, and 4,544 single adults. 

These figures do not include those rough sleeping, people in domestic violence shelters, refugees, and those on our streets seeking asylum.   

Catherine Kenny, CEO of Dublin Simon, sharply criticised the government’s lack of progress and action regarding the ongoing homelessness crisis.  

“The steady increase in emergency accommodation numbers, coupled with a rise in rough sleeping, paints a dire picture of our failure to protect the most vulnerable. While the government has recently acknowledged the severity of the issue by calling it their ‘number one challenge’, we need to ensure this urgency is reflected in political momentum and resourcing allocated to homelessness, housing, health.” 

With no guarantee that homeless figures will decrease before the next election, there is an urgent need for comprehensive, coordinated action to address the root causes of homelessness and alleviate the strain on emergency accommodation resources.  

“Dublin Simon Community calls on the government and relevant agencies to prioritise immediate measures that will tangibly reduce homelessness and provide sustainable housing options for all.  It is not enough to say that housing is a challenge in this country – we all know it is – the question is what the government intends to do about it in the months before we go to the polls. The time for action is now.”