Dublin Simon Community Statement on May Homeless Report

The latest homeless figures released today by the Department of Housing reveal that the number of people in emergency accommodation continues to rise with 14,159 nationally and 10,291 in Dublin. 

These figures represent an increase of 14% nationally year-on-year. In Dublin the increase is 12% year-on-year. 

The Dublin total of 10,291 represents 1,464 families, 3,233 children, and 4,534 single adults. 

These figures do not include those rough sleeping, people in domestic violence shelters, refugees, and those on our streets seeking asylum.   

Catherine Kenny, CEO of Dublin Simon, expressed her dismay at the concerning statistics, stating, “Yet again, we continue to see an unrelenting rise in the figures of people seeking emergency accommodation in Ireland and in our capital city. Coupled with last week’s Spring Rough Sleeper count increase of 54% in the capital over the last 12 months, the steady influx of individuals without the opportunity to transition out of the system is at crisis point.  It is a stark reminder of the ongoing challenges faced by individuals experiencing homelessness in Dublin.” 

The current situation is unsustainable and requires immediate, coordinated action from all stakeholders to reduce the pressure on the emergency accommodation system and support those in desperate need of permanent housing. We urgently need to address the bottlenecks within the housing system and create more opportunities for people to exit homelessness.” 

Dublin Simon Community continues to advocate for increased support and resources to combat homelessness and is calling on the government and relevant agencies to prioritise long-term solutions to this escalating crisis.