International Overdose Awareness Day 2024

Last Saturday, August 31st, was International Overdose Awareness Day 2024. Clients and staff across our services came together to openly speak and remember without stigma those who have tragically lost their lives to overdose, and to acknowledge the deep grief experienced by their families and friends. Our clients not only enjoyed delicious food, but also participated in meaningful activities that emphasised awareness, self-care, and recovery.  

Staff at Maple House, one of our Supported Temporary Accommodation (STA) services, created impactful posters, with messages such as “Stop the Stigma, Stop Overdose” and “End Overdose, End Silence”, serving as powerful visual reminders of the ongoing fight against the stigma associated with addiction and overdose. In addition to raising awareness, clients also focused on their own self-care and recovery journeys. Through discussions and activities, they explored various self-care strategies and ways to pave their personal paths to recovery.

Staff at Carman’s Hall, another Supported Temporary Accommodation (STA) service, supported clients to create purple ribbons, headbands and wristbands, as well as personalised flashcards with meaningful messages and quotes. The team also took the opportunity to lead a session on Naloxone, a medication that is used to counter the effect of opioid overdose, as well as to promote “Harm Reduction” techniques and “Reduce The Use” strategies. 

All these activities align with International Recovery Month, which we proudly support throughout September. This month is about celebrating the resilience of individuals who have faced addiction, promoting the benefits of recovery, and raising awareness about the societal issues that surround substance use. Our commitment to supporting individuals on their recovery journey remains strong. Recovery is not a linear path, but with the right tools and support, everyone can find their way.

#DublinSimon #InternationalOverdoseAwareness #RecoveryMonth2024 #RecoveryIsPossible