
World Mental Health Day and World Homeless Day 2021

World Mental Health Day and World Homeless Day both fall on the 10th of October. In 2020, Dublin Simon Community provided 3,115 Hours of 1:1 counselling for clients through Sure Steps Counselling. Common issues among the clients of the Simon Sure Steps service are addiction, depression, bereavement, self-harm, suicidal ideation or other psychiatric conditions. Dublin […]

Q & A with Manager of Dublin Simon’s Detox Unit

Orla Condren is Nurse Manager of Dublin Simon Community’s Detox Unit What is Dublin Simon’s Detox service?   Dublin Simon Community detox unit is an 11 bed, nurse led , residential unit for people living in homelessness and addiction.  We support clients through a medical detox for alcohol / benzodiazepines, and work with them during their […]

Construction set to Commence on Medical Facility for Vulnerable Homeless Population

After 18-months of covid-19 related delays, construction is set to start on a €30 million plus medical facility in Dublin at Usher’s Island that will deliver 100 clinical beds to serve the specific health needs of the vulnerable homeless population in Dublin. The Department of Housing, Local Government & Heritage will fund the capital cost […]