The 9 Bed,  Blood Borne Virus Stabilisation Respite Unit provides care to clients over the age of 18, who have experienced homelessness and or at risk of homelessness, who may also have complex needs such as alcohol and/or drug addiction and other complex health problems such as HIV, Hepatitis C or mental health issues.

110 people accessed the Stabilisation/Respite service in 2018.

“I soon realised that the people working with us really did care. All their support gives people like myself and others a safe place where we can come and get the respite care that we need.”

– Jason, Simon Client

24 hr Nursing care is provided. Each client has an individualised care plan. Medical care is provided by visiting GP’s who attend the service Monday to Friday. Clients are stabilised on their prescribed medication and where required are supported medically, and through nursing assessment and withdrawal, management to reduce their drug/alcohol use.

Clients who have disengaged from their Infectious Disease Clinic are supported to re-engage. Clients are also supported to access new Infectious disease treatments as required for example Hepatitis C Treatment. Blood Borne Virus support is provided which includes health education for clients and one to one nursing support. Access to on-site counselling is provided.  Clients participate in daily group work such as substance misuse and Reduce the Use programme, health education including medication management, HIV/Hep C education, sexual health and personal development. Each client is assigned a key worker, who works with clients linking them with appropriate external services, debt management, housing, legal issues, benefits, resettlement and, where appropriate, support with child protection issues.

Appropriate accommodation options are explored and support around family issues, mental health issues and addiction is provided. Onward referrals can be made to the following Health, addiction and homeless services such as addiction treatment centres,  community services, specialised clinics primary health care, mental health services, Internal or external Residential Detox and Recovery Services, step up step down intermediate care, stabilisation programmes and aftercare programmes.

  • 18 years and over, male or female.
  • Registered as homeless with any of the four Dublin local authorities.
  • HIV positive clients with complex needs which may include Hep C, mental health problems and/or drug & alcohol addiction.
  • Clients who want to engage in a stabilisation/respite programme in order to improve their health and lifestyle and live independently.

Referrals are accepted from Homeless Agencies, Central Placement Service, GPs and other Addiction Treatment Centres. It is expected the referral agency will have a plan in place for what happens after completion of the treatment programme.

There is a detailed referral form which can be filled out below or alternatively by calling the Respite Stabilisation unit. The office is open 24 hours. Please ensure that the form is completed in full with a signed Doctors letter attached, certifying that the client is fit for Stabilisation/Respite. There are additional requirement for clients on methadone which are explained in more detail on the referral form.

Please find the referral pathway below.

Phone: (01) 6498620

Fax: (01) 6498621


Unit address: Amberley House, 34 Gardiner St Lower, North City, Dublin 1