The Dublin Simon Community Residential Recovery Services are part of a specialised regional Supported Temporary Accommodation and are focused on providing a supportive, comprehensive programme at the early stages of Addiction Recovery.
The residential recovery services operate across many Dublin city and county locations. It is a low threshold phased programme targeted specifically at people that are homeless and on a Dublin City or County housing list verified by Housing Needs Assessment from the Local authority. The programme is from 3-6 months in duration and broken into phases dependant on where the person is at in their recovery.
Our Recovery Approach
The Recovery Services are focused on providing a supportive, comprehensive service at the early stages of Addiction Recovery. Each individual’s journey to and through recovery is a deeply personal process, as well as being related to the individual’s community and society.
Our recovery approach to addiction emphasises and supports a person’s potential for recovery. Recovery is generally seen as a personal journey rather than a set outcome, and one that may involve developing hope, a secure base and sense of self, supportive relationships, empowerment, social inclusion, coping skills, and meaning. Using the modalities of The Community Reinforcement Approach (CRA) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), we support individuals to address their addictions as a barrier to exiting homelessness.
Recovery Service Vision
Supporting homeless individuals to rebuild their lives through addressing their addictions as a barrier to exiting homelessness.
Our Recovery Mission
Supporting and Empowering individuals to rebuild their lives through addressing their addictions, engaging in positive and meaningful activities to exit homelessness.
Staff: The recovery team consist of Recovery Managers, Project Workers, Support Workers, Night workers and full-time volunteers who are trained in CRA and CBT. Depending on the location, services are staffed 24 hours per day, or from morning to evening to suit the needs of the clients.
The Programme: Clients availing of the service attend key-working and support planning sessions with their designated keyworkers, and attend facilitated group programme designed around their needs including personal relationships, addiction history, relapse prevention & craving management, preparation for living independently, accessing accommodation. Internal referrals are made to Sure Steps counselling, Aftercare, health and wellbeing, client involvement initiatives, External referrals are made to a variety of addiction treatment services for further addiction treatment.
Inclusion Criteria
- 18 years of age and over
- Homeless and registered in a Dublin City and County housing list as verified by Housing Needs Assessment from the Local authority
- Clients must be stable on their prescribed medication (and capable of managing same).
- Clients who are detoxed from alcohol for a minimum of 10 days prior to assessment.
- Clients who can provide clean urinalysis from substances other than those prescribed for a minimum of 10 days prior to assessment.
- Clients who have completed a Detox, and who present with benzodiazepine positive urinalysis, will require written verification from their prescriber with regard to date of last dose administered. Note Clients will be expected to present clear urinalysis within 6 weeks of their last intake of Benzodiazepine.
- Methadone prescribed Clients: Clients that are stable on their prescribed dosage of methadone Note: arrangements for methadone must be in place prior to admission.
- Clients must be motivated to engage in a full Recovery program.
Referrals are accepted from service providers in the homeless sector, addiction treatment centres, prison services, addiction services provided the client meets the above inclusion criteria.
How to make a Referral
Complete electronic referral form below which will be received by the Recovery team ( Response regarding receipt of referral will be sent out within 5 working days.
Please ensure that the form is completed in full with a signed Referrer’s letter attached, along with the housing Needs Assessment from the Local Authority.
For more information or to request a referral form, please contact the Recovery Unit on:
T – 01 679 2391
F – 01 671 7660